

adj: wise through reflection and experience



Talent Wins

Recently, I was asked to provide the keynote at the Iowa Broadcasters Association annual meeting. As broadcasters and agencies share the ability and responsibility to communicate a broad spectrum of subjects for brands, promotions, news and entertainment; I found myself focused on the importance of talent to both industries. As the broadcast industry and ours have experienced dramatic changes, the [...]

4 Tips for Creating Shareable Video

When it comes to adding video to your small business repertoire, it can quickly feel daunting and costly depending on your goals for your project. However, just because you want to add video to your website, social media, whatever it may be, you don’t have to be constrained to the traditional methods of developing great video content. Sure, full-fledged video [...]

Takeaways from White House Briefing on Small Business

    Recently, I had an opportunity to participate in a White House briefing on the state of small business in America. Of course, anytime you have an opportunity to visit the “People’s House,” as the Administration staff refers to the White House, you jump at the chance. As a part of the leadership council of the National Small Business [...]

Our Journey of 35 years

In 1980, in our own small business way, we opened our doors to the opportunities that we believed lie ahead. In part we were dreamers – believing but not yet seeing. We were accustomed to hard work well beyond traditional 40 hour work weeks. We were client-focused and culture-focused – we wanted a place that allowed for growth inside and [...]

PRSSA Regional Conference Recap

Earlier this month, the PRSSA chapter at Drake held their 2015 PRSSA Regional Conference, Expect the Unexpected in downtown Des Moines. The theme was picked to help combat the stereotype about Iowa being full of cornfields and farmers by showcasing the numerous opportunities and corporations that exist in Iowa. The theme also tapped into the importance of thinking on your [...]

PR for Pennies

I consistently find myself trying to educate clients on the necessity of public relations. Many don’t find it is necessary or feel it’s superfluous and a lot of small business owners find it difficult justifying public relations in their already slim marketing budgets. My response is this — you can’t afford NOT to have a public relations strategy. Why public [...]

Investing in Culture through Employee Engagement

Employee engagement can be thought of not only as how someone feels about what they are doing and their overall work experience, but also as the emotional commitment he or she has. This means they don’t just work for a paycheck or the next promotion, but work on behalf of the organization’s goals. When employees care – when they are [...]

Celebrating SA with 35,000 meals

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an oft-mentioned topic amongst companies big and small, and with its pervasive nature comes a lot of opportunity. For the 35 years of Strategic America’s existence, CSR has played a large role in the company culture, forming the foundation for who we are today. When the agency was founded, CSR was an integral piece to [...]

Marketing Strategy – Utilizing Data and Measurement to Improve Results

As a marketer, you’ve got your hands full with the ever-changing marketplace and the pressure to provide measurable results. With a multitude of communication channel choices and diversification in audiences, you have to communicate with the right people in the right way. And in today’s fast-paced competitive marketplace, you must be able to measure your success in real time and [...]

The Power of Pro Bono Work

Making a profit is not the only thing companies must be concerned about. Important, of course, but today they need to consider CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. It’s no longer an option for companies who want to present a positive brand—both for their own employees and the communities they serve. A recent published study indicates that more than 8-in-10 consumers expect [...]

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