

adj: wise through reflection and experience



Core Considerations for Evaluating Your Brand’s Health

How well is your brand performing? Are you confident it’s healthy and strong? Or questioning if it’s in need of revival? Brands — like people, cars and HVAC systems — need regular checkups to ensure they’re performing optimally. A brand is a business’ biggest asset — its identity that sets it apart from competitors. Taking care of that asset and [...]

What’s Trending in Email Marketing?

Email marketing continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes and shifting consumer preferences. Today, staying ahead in the email marketing space means embracing the latest trends and technologies. At the Email Innovations World conference last week, the Strategic America (SA) team learned what’s currently trending in email and how you can leverage these trends [...]

Adapt or Fall Behind: Evaluating When to Pivot Marketing Strategies

Deciding to pivot marketing strategies can be a tough call. You don’t want to make changes too quickly — before you have sufficient data —,  but you also don’t want to fall behind on sales before making a strategy change. With competitors, platforms and market demands constantly changing, it’s difficult to know when to adapt. “Regardless of whether you are [...]

Transform Your Business with Strategic Volunteering

A business’ success has never been solely measured by profits and market share. Your consumers and stakeholders are now more than ever looking beyond the bottom line and into the heart and soul of your company. They want to know what your business stands for and what it is doing to make the community better. Volunteering is a crucial component [...]

Choose Best Advertising Channels For Your Brand

If you are a business owner or marketer, you have never had more options for where you can place ads to showcase your brand and services. Media channels have exploded in the digital age, and so has the ability to better target ad dollars like never before. This explosion of options has also made the strategy behind your ad spend [...]

Choose Best Advertising Channels For Your Brand

If you are a business owner or marketer, you have never had more options for where you can place ads to showcase your brand and services. Media channels have exploded in the digital age, and so has the ability to better target ad dollars like never before. This explosion of options has also made the strategy behind your ad spend [...]

Game-changing marketing strategy for multi-location businesses

Businesses with local branches, dealerships, partnerships and multi-locations nationwide face complex challenges. With internal resources focused on corporate goals, retail locations can be left without the marketing support they need to build their business and cohesively deliver the brand’s important messages. They can struggle to hire marketing specialists to harness all the tools and channels they need to use. MARKETING [...]

Understanding Google SGE and Its Impact on SEO in 2024

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is bringing major changes to the search landscape. This experiential approach leverages generative AI to make it faster and easier for searchers to find the relevant results they’re looking for. While this provides a variety of benefits to searchers, many experts are predicting this change will have a negative impact on organic search results, and [...]

Paid Social Media Can Power 2024 Growth

If you don’t think your business needs paid social media advertising, or you want to cut back your budget in 2024, your marketing plan is headed in the wrong direction. It’s important to understand how fundamental paid social has quickly become and how well it works when married with your other marketing efforts. “I can promise your competitors are on [...]

Balance Marketing Needs with Data Privacy in 2024

The dynamic landscape of marketing is not just about reaching audiences and building relationships – it’s about doing so ethically and responsibly, especially with data privacy. In 2024, the symbiotic relationship between data privacy and marketing needs reached a critical point – demanding a delicate balance.   Understanding the current scene Modern marketing is intertwined with data collection.  You can’t [...]

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