Advertising and Marketing2022-12-05T13:21:03-06:00


adj: wise through reflection and experience

Advertising and Marketing


Owned Media Sweetens Your PR Plan

There’s nothing like a good food epiphany. From marshmallows and hot cocoa to BBQ sauce and chicken nuggets (or ranch on anything here in the Midwest, apparently), history is full of those “eureka” moments where two great tastes taste great together. One of the most popular and enduring food pairings is peanut butter and chocolate. Reese’s even used the “two [...]

By |September 9, 2019|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media|

Political Campaigns Means Media Mayhem In 2020. Here’s How to Avoid It.

Political ad spend is increasing. That’s clear to anyone with a television or internet connection. But how much is it increasing this year? And how will that affect your ability to place advertising in the near future? Strategic America’s media team is here to answer these questions. If the flood of articles predicting record ad spend is to be trusted, [...]

By |September 4, 2019|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|

Facebook’s New Third-Party Policies: How Your Company Can Adapt

Over the past year, Facebook has come under a continued scrutiny for how it handles member data. Increased attention to how that data is gathered, as well as who has access to the data continues to be an ongoing issue for Facebook. While the changes will increase user data privacy, it creates new challenges for marketers and advertisers who use [...]

By |March 25, 2019|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , |

A Litmus Test For Proving a “Big Idea”

There's nothing more subjective – more likely to stir passions – than an idea. Wars have been fought over ideas. Lovers have quarreled over ideas. And closer to home, ad agencies have prospered or failed in the pursuit of the elusive Big Idea. And there's the problem. An idea that's brilliant and breakthrough to one person is lame and disposable to another. So, how can you tell [...]

By |January 21, 2019|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , |

A Guide to Recognizing Insight

For companies looking to best understand their brand and improve the connection with their customers, a useful piece of consumer insight can pave the way to marketing success with memorable messaging that effectively attracts new customers. In our data-rich age, the abundance of readily available facts about customer behavior and preferences would make it seem that consumer insights would be [...]

By |January 11, 2019|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Data and Analytics|Tags: , , |

The 4-1-1 on the (Not So) New Marketing Trend: Influencer Marketing

*This blog post first appeared on Waxing Unlyrical on Dec 4 If you are a communications pro, I don’t need to tell you that influencer marketing is hot and could soon outpace traditional paid media spend. Everyone is jumping on the influencer marketing bandwagon because it’s all the rage, just like every other fly-by-night new trend. Funny thing is — it’s [...]

By |December 18, 2018|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , |

Digital Media Trends to Watch in 2019

Modern, effective marketing requires a digital presence. For marketers used to the tried and true tactics of ‘traditional’ marketing, that can be daunting. Luckily, evolving marketing platforms provide our industry more touch points for reaching audiences—rather than making previous efforts suddenly useless. As digital becomes more integrated into marketing mixes, it’s important to look ahead and watch for trends. As [...]

By |December 7, 2018|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Digital|Tags: , |

Marketing is Evolving: How Integrated is Your Marketing? The Future Blends Digital and Direct

Traditionally, direct marketing has fallen into three areas: outbound calling, direct mail and email marketing. These channels are the go-to choices for marketers looking for response. Marketing is evolving quickly in the digital world, though, and making a big impact on direct marketing. Every business must acquire new customers for continued growth. Deciding on whom to target usually comes from [...]

By |November 1, 2018|Categories: Advertising and Marketing|Tags: , , |

Building a Data Rosetta Stone

I love analyzing data. For some clients that means taking data from one source. For others, it means sorting through multiple data sources with different formats from different data platforms. When that happens, a once easy data analysis project becomes a bit more difficult. More difficult, but not impossible. Luckily, one thing I love as much as analyzing data is [...]

By |October 17, 2018|Categories: Advertising and Marketing, Data and Analytics, Digital|Tags: , , |
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